David Shotlander is an antitrust Partner in the Washington, D.C. office of Haug Partners, focusing his practice on antitrust litigation, government investigations and counseling. Mr. Shotlander’s strong understanding of antitrust and economics and his willingness to think outside the box have provided strategic benefits to corporate clients for over a decade – a mix of skill and experience that enables him to pointedly and successfully address the challenges faced by his clients.
Mr. Shotlander has represented pharmaceutical companies on matters involving critical and emerging antitrust issues, including suits alleging “reverse payment”, sham litigation, sham petitioning, and Walker Process fraud. He has also represented parties in merger and civil non-merger investigations before the Federal Trade Commission, Department of Justice and state attorney generals.
Mr. Shotlander has predominantly participated in the defense of companies in complex class action litigation and internal investigations on issues pertaining to antitrust, fraud and general business torts, and has significant experience with electronic discovery and motion practice. He has also counseled clients with regard to pharmaceutical issues, horizontal collaborations, distribution and licensing practices and antitrust compliance generally. On mergers, Mr. Shotlander’s experience includes pre-merger and HSR counseling, second requests and general advocacy before the agencies.
Mr. Shotlander is experienced in economic and data analysis and works closely with economists on complex matters. Mr. Shotlander’s work has covered many industries but his practice has been most concentrated within the pharmaceutical, grocery and commodities sectors.
777 South Flagler Drive
Phillips Point East Tower, Suite 1000
West Palm Beach, FL 33401